The Collection
at Palazzo Reali
The Collection The ground floor showcases MASI’s new acquisitions. The first floor plays host to a selection of works from the Museum’s collections, produced between the end of the fifteenth century and the early twentieth century.
Ground floor:
Thomas Schütte / Jean Tinguely / Niele Toroni.
Felice Varini
First floor:
Edoardo Berta / Umberto Boccioni / Alexandre Calame / Filippo Carcano / Luigi Conconi / Joos de Momper / Aldo Feragutti Visconti / Filippo Franzoni / Gioachimo Galbusera / Ercole Graziani il giovane / Karl Heilmayer / Ignoto bergamasco / Maestro di Lonigo / Giuseppe Mentessi / Georges Michel / Pier Francesco Mola / Marco Palmezzano / Giovanni Pietro Rizzoli, detto Giampietrino / Tommaso Rodari / Mariano d’Agnolo Romanelli / Salomon van Ruysdael / Seguace di Carlo Crivelli / Giovanni Serodine / Cesare Tallone / Paolo Troubetzkoy.