Gabriele Marangoni created this new project especially for Lingua Madre, an immersion in Planet Earth’s desperate cry.

Francesca Della Monica and live electronics by Damiano Meacci give voice to the suffering of a dying planet, poisoned and assassinated by its own children. The work seeks to move our consciences towards an outcry for a revolution that may still be possible. Marangoni has arranged the sound and theatre performance into three works of video art and three sound creations, with the voice of Nello Provenzano reciting original texts by the author himself in what is an interplay of sounds, video installations and conversations with young environmental activists.


Video n.1 “Thanatos”
sound composition and text
Gabriele Marangoni

live electronics and sound direction
Damiano Meacci - Tempo Reale

vocal performer
Francesca Della Monica

Nello Provenzano

Giulia Soravia

video shooting
Roberto Tonelli

LAC Lugano Arte Cultura e Tempo Reale, Firenze

Video n. 2 “Vanitas”
sound composition and text
Gabriele Marangoni

live electronics and sound direction
Damiano Meacci - Tempo Reale

vocal performer
Francesca Della Monica

Nello Provenzano

together with
Caterina Nitto, former Greenpeace activist
Jeton Neziraj, author, founder Qendra Multimedia di Prishtina, Kosovo

Giulia Soravia

video shooting
Roberto Tonelli 

LAC Lugano Arte Cultura e Tempo Reale, Firenze

Video n.3 “Eros”
sound composition and text
Gabriele Marangoni

live electronics and sound direction
Damiano Meacci - Tempo Reale

vocal performer
Francesca Della Monica

Nello Provenzano

together with
Graciella Chamorro, professor of Indigenous Cultures at the University of Mato Grosso do Sul
Francesco Giomi, composer, artistic director of Centro di Ricerca Tempo Reale, Florence

Giulia Soravia

video shooting
Roberto Tonelli

LAC Lugano Arte Cultura e Tempo Reale, Firenze

Audio n.1 “Aéras”
listening suggestions
with headphones, in an open and natural space, lie down with your eyes turned to the sky

sound composition and text
Gabriele Marangoni

live electronics and sound direction
Damiano Meacci - Tempo Reale

vocal performer
Francesca Della Monica

Nello Provenzano

Giulia Soravia

LAC Lugano Arte Cultura e Tempo Reale, Firenze

Audio n.2 “Chaos”
listening suggestions
with headphones, moving in a urban contest in a rush hour

sound composition and text
Gabriele Marangoni

live electronics and sound direction
Damiano Meacci - Tempo Reale

vocal performer
Francesca Della Monica

Nello Provenzano

Giulia Soravia

LAC Lugano Arte Cultura e Tempo Reale, Firenze

Audio n.3 “Phanes”
listening suggestions
with headphones, immersed in the water or as close as possible to it, possibly touching it; in the dark or with your  eyes closed

sound composition and text
Gabriele Marangoni

live electronics and sound engineer
Damiano Meacci - Tempo Reale

vocal performer
Francesca Della Monica

Nello Provenzano

Giulia Soravia

LAC Lugano Arte Cultura e Tempo Reale, Firenze


We have become the metastases of our own living organism. With every move  we make we enlarge the cancer, choke the planet’s breath, destroy, step by step, the epidermis enveloping us, we bite every hand that feeds us, and enlightened by the ignorance of a fatalistic smile, we plunge the murderous knife of arrogance into the womb of our mother. We need to act, to instill into the human mind the feeling that change is necessary. As in every dramatic period of human history, today art needs to rediscover the power of its own language, the force of its own gestures; a primordial force that can alter consciousness, that can save the existence of the mother and her children.

metastasis is a scream
metastasis is the moment before the murder
metastasis is desperate hope

Gabriele Marangoni
Marangoni earned his Masters of Advanced Studies in Contemporary Music Performance and Interpretation from the Conservatorio della Svizzera italiana in Lugano and a Master in Digital Accordion at the Conservatorio G.Verdi in Milan; he graduated in Accordion under the guidance of M. Sergio Scappini, studied experimental composition with M. Dario Maggi at the  Conservatorio of Milan. He earned a laurea in Scienze e Tecnologie delle Arti at the Università degli Studi of Turin with professor Ernesto Napolitano. He attended courses in musical composition at the centre for musical research AGON in Milan. His works range from experimental music for theatre to the sonorization of stage spaces, from contemporary music for ensembles, soloists and orchestras, to high tech projects, performances, electronic music and live sound creations. Marangoni was the only artist invited to inaugurate and conclude, with two different projects, the same edition of the prestigious ARS Electronica Festival in Linz, his works have been performed in numerous festivals including the Euro Scene Festival, Leipzig (Germany), Festival Zoom, Rijeka (Croatia), Shanghai International Festival of Experimental Theatre (China), World Performing and Visual Arts Festival, Lahore (Pakistan), Off Frame International Festival, Belgrade (Serbia) Festival Iberoamericano, Bogotà (Colombia), Sound Thought Festival, University of Music Glasgow (UK), Ars Electronica Festival, Linz (Austria), Festival Akousma, Montreal (Canada), Festival Musica Contemporanea, Cagliari (Italy), Festival Tempo Reale, Florence, Festival Roma Europa, Rome.  Passionate about the evolution of musical writing he has realized and executed the complete indeterminate works of John Cage, Plus-Minus and Spiral by Karlheinz Stockhausen, Volumina by Györgi Ligeti.  Marangoni is currently engaged in studying and performing the works of the Laboratoire New Music of New York.

Francesca Della Monica
Della Monica is one of most original voices on the Italian experimental music scene. She completed her studies in the Chamber Music class for opera singers with Liliana Poli at the Conservatorio Luigi Cherubini in Florence before graduating in voice from the Conservatorio Girolamo Frescobaldi of Ferrara. At the same time she also graduated in Philosophy from the Università degli studi di Firenze. Since the very start of her career she has been devoted to the music of the twentieth century, both historical and contemporary, with a special passion for experimental and avant-garde music. Her interest in this repertory led her to encounters and collaborations with musicians such as Sylvano Bussotti, John Cage, Giancarlo Cardini, Aldo Clementi, Marco Betta, Armando Gentilucci, Daniele Lombardi, Paolo Castaldi, Pietro Grossi, Vittorio Fellegara…and to participate in numerous contemporary musical festivals in Italy and abroad. For years she has been conducting research on different vocal techniques, traditional and experimental. In 1989, together with dancer and choreographer Roberta Gelpi she founded the Compagnia Encanto producing the performances: Pietre del Fulmine, She's asleep, Blue Dome and Ombre leggere. In 1994 she also took part in the Progetto Neoclassico of the Teatro Ponchielli with the performance Gertrude about Gertrude Stein. For the company Magazzini with which she has been working since 1988, she was in charge of the musical and vocal preparation of actors in many performances. Since 1996 she has been working with actor and director Massimo Verdastro- with whom she founded in 1999 the Compagnia Verdastro/Della Monica - in producing performance and teaching projects that deal with themes of contemporary dramaturgy. From 1987 to 1997 she was member of the musical association G.A.M.O. (Gruppo Aperto Musica Oggi) of Florence, engaged in planning and organization activities. For the RAI she has recorded music by Alberto Savinio, Poulenc, Mozart.

