Freely inspired by Staying with the Trouble: Making Kin in the Chthulucene by Donna Haraway

A sound object that travels between dense and relevant contents and science fiction suggestions slight like the wings of the monarch butterfly. Among sounds of air, water and earth and the human voice, which in the time of short stories tries to become an element, to conquer a bright, renewed humanity.


freely inspired by
Staying with the Trouble: Making Kin in the Chthulucene 
by Donna Haraway

sound object, care and voice
Daria Deflorian

artistic counsulting
Attilio Scarpellini

Lorenzo Conti

sound landscape
Emanuele Pontecorvo

Monica Demuru

project coordinator
Carmelo Rifici

Daria Deflorian
A graduate of the Galante Garrone theatre school, she earned a degree in theatre arts in Bologna. Deflorian has worked with many Italian directors including Mario Martone, Pippo Delbono, Massimiliano Civica and has participated in various productions of the Accademia degli Artefatti. In 2012 she won the Permio Ubu as best actress, in 2013 the Premio Hystrio. In 2008 she began a collaboration with Antonio Tagliarini, with whom she founded the Deflorian/Tagliarini company. Her performances include: Ce ne andiamo per non darvi altre preoccupazioni, Reality, Il cielo non è un fondale  which in 2014 won the award for the best dramaturgical innovation and Quasi niente.
