
LPD Day: the new data protection law has no more secrets

On 19 April, LAC Lugano will host the third edition of the training day dedicated to the new Federal Data Protection Act.

The new legislation on the protection of personal data has introduced considerable changes and, above all, delicate tasks for companies and professionals, who are now faced with the challenge of compliance with the new regulations. The worries of companies and entrepreneurs about being able to comply with all the requirements introduced by the new law are undoubtedly understandable; it is also true, however, that for this very reason various initiatives have been promoted by organisations, associations and professionals in the sector, aimed at providing the tools and strategies needed to easily overcome this obstacle.

This widespread need is concretely met by LPD Day, the popular conference, sponsored by the City of Lugano and the Italian Chamber of Commerce for Switzerland, scheduled to take place at the LAC in Lugano on 19 April: an event entirely dedicated to clarifying the characteristics of the Federal Law on Personal Data Protection.

A day focused in particular on the most controversial and difficult to interpret aspects of the new law: the organisers intend to generate awareness of the contents of the DPA, providing fundamental help in resolving doubts and also highlighting the positive prospects for companies that will be able to proactively take up the challenge of this inevitable regulatory upgrade.

The LPD Day event, now in its third edition, is organised by InformatiCH Sagl, one of the most dynamic entrepreneurial realities on the Ticino scene: in recent years it has distinguished itself for its ability to offer fundamental help to companies in the area, effectively combining its IT skills with the legal aspects required to comply with the regulatory adjustments.

The peculiarity that distinguishes the LPD Day from other similar events consists in the possibility reserved for participants to get in touch with the speakers and to be able to ask questions and get immediate answers to their doubts, or to develop in-depth studies at later agreed times.

The LPD Day will feature speeches by experts and industry professionals (5 from the tech area and 4 from the legal area) on the main topics concerning the new federal law, in relation to the protection of privacy and the various aspects of the regulations. Special attention will be paid to corporate compliance, extending the analysis to related areas such as Legal Tech and Cyber Security. A further in-depth analysis will be reserved for the impact that the DPA will have in relation to Artificial Intelligence, Augmented Reality and Web 3.

Mattia Munari states: "My speech intends to shed light on the future European AI Act that will definitely influence the way we do business with Artificial Intelligence. In fact, while waiting for the Swiss Confederation to absorb and adapt a similar law, it will certainly be the guideline for startups and companies'.

Tickets are already available on lpdday.ch to attend the event, which guarantee unlimited access to the day's initiatives, networking activities with significant opportunities for new contacts, 5 hours of high-level training, a standing lunch and the right to receive exclusive slides with all the event's contents.

LPD Day, in addition to training to acquire new skills, therefore also guarantees important opportunities for growth and networking between professions and considerable visibility in the media.

Attendees will also receive a certificate of attendance, indicating the hours of training provided during the day.

For information and contacts: info@lpdday.ch

