A story centered on the possibility of transmitting knowledge from one body to another through an original poetic language.

In 2018 at the Teatro Studio Melato del Piccolo (Milan), Chiara Bersani was awarded the Premio Ubu for the best performer Under 35. On that occasion she gave a speech in which, like an astronaut on a new planet, she attempted to give a new name to a world without stereotypes. Like an astronaut, Bersani felt the euphoric solitude of approaching a new world, hers is one in which “non-conforming bodies” are no longer an exception. Three years later Bersani is back at the Piccolo where she conducts a masterclass at the Scuola di Teatro "Luca Ronconi" accompanied by the performer Marta Ciappina. The reportage divided into two episodes and curated by Lorenzo Conti deals mainly with the practice of artistic transmission and the possibility of transferring knowledge from one body to another through an original poetic language composed of images and words.



Lorenzo Conti

direction, shooting, editing
Igor Samperi, LAC
Anna Domenigoni LAC

Chiara Bersani
Marta Ciappina
and students School of Theater Luca Ronconi, Piccolo Teatro, Milan

LAC Lugano Arte e Cultura

Chiara Bersani
Performer and Italian author, she is active in the Performing Arts, avant-garde theatre and contemporary dance. Both as an interpreter and director/choreographer she uses different languages and visions. Her works, performed in internationally, arise as creations that dialogue with different kinds of spaces and they are primarily aimed at a public “near” the stage. Her work as an interpreter and author is based on the concept of the Body Politic and on the creation of practices aimed at training its presence and action. Her “manifesto” work is Gentle Unicorn, a performance that was included on the hub Aerowaves. For the rigor of her exploration in 2019 she was awarded the Premio Ubu as best new actor/performer under 35. In 2019 during the Edinburgh Fringe Festival Gentle Unicorn and Chiara Bersani won the first prize for the dance category Total Theatre Awards.

Marta Ciappina
Dancer, coach and teacher, Ciappina trained in New York at the Trisha Brown Studio and at Movement Research. As a dancer she has accompanied, among others, Daniele Albanese­ Compagnia Stalk, Compagnia Daniele Ninarello, John Jasperse Company, Luis Lara Malvacias, Gabriella Maiorino, Ariella Vidach – AiEP. Since 2013 she has been working with the MK company, one of the leading groups on the contemporary dance scene, led by Michele Di Stefano, Silver Lion winner at the Biennale Danza di Venezia (2014). In 2015 she began collaborating with Alessandro Sciarroni, winner of the Golden Lion at the Biennale Danza di Venezia in 2019. At the same time she participated in the creations of the Swiss company Cie Tiziana Arnaboldi and began working with Chiara Bersani on the projects Goodnight, Peeping Tom and The Olympic Games created in synergy with Marco D’Agostin. Currently, as an interpreter, she is working on Pezzi Anatomici, an MK project, Saga  by Marco D’Agostin and Quel che resta conceived by Simona Bertozzi.

Lorenzo Conti
Conti is involved in artistic curation, planning and training in the areas of contemporary dance and performance. Since 2020 he has been a consultant for the dance programme at the cultural centre LAC Lugano Arte e Cultura, since 2019 he is artistic curator of the dance section of the TTV Festival/Premio Riccione Teatro and Spazio Tondelli. He is also in charge of communications for the Centro Nazionale di Produzione della Danza DANCEHAUS più in Milan and from 2012 he has been working together with the choreographer Susanna Beltrami in teaching and on special projects for her Academy, as professor of the History of the Theatre and Dance. He collaborates with the theatrical journal Hystrio, and is one of the authors of Il pubblico in danza. Comunità, memorie e dispositivi (Scalpendi 2019).
