Three days of work on the word; an exploration of language with children and young people aged between 8 and 24.

Silvia Masotti and Camilla Zorzi, trained actresses and pedagogues by vocation lead a three day workshop in which fifty children and young people between the ages of 8 and 24 – all students of the School "Spazio Teatro Giovani" – are invited to reflect on the relationship between word, phrase, memory and collective rite. In a period overloaded with images, the word, especially for younger people is increasingly less connected to a personal image, uncoupled from syntax and complex sentence structure. It is an accessory, even a hostile one, as it requires a difficult effort of concentration, increasingly hard to find. It is as if the individual had lost the ability to perform the personal act of linguistic utterance and had replaced it with a code of pre-constituted images ready for mass use.



edited by
Silvia Masotti e Camilla Zorzi

drama consulting
Angela Dematté

direction, shooting, editing
Igor Samperi, LAC
Anna Domenigoni, LAC

LAC Lugano Arte e Cultura

Spazio Teatro Giovani is a theatre school and space for theater research located in the heart of Verona. It was founded to give young people a place to cultivate knowledge, research and relationships through the tools of the theater. Theatrical offerings are aimed at children (from 7 years and older) teenagers and young adults. Promoted by the Associazione Mine Vaganti, it is directed by Silvia Masotti and Camilla Zorzi.

Silvia Masotti
A graduate of the Scuola del Piccolo Teatro (Milan) in 2005 with Luca Ronconi, she earned her laurea in Modern Literature at the University of Verona and a diploma in Art Therapy from Art Therapy Italiana.  As an actress she has been directed by, among others, Luca Ronconi, Serena Sinigaglia, Carmelo Rifici. In 2012 along with Camilla Zorzi and the psychotherapist Elisa Mazzi  she founded Associazione Mine Vaganti, which pursues research and education using the tools of the theatre, of  psychology and literature, working with primary, middle and secondary schools, with social services in Verona and its surroundings in cases of psychological and social distress, migratory trauma and substance addiction. Together with Camilla Zorzi she directs Spazio Teatro Giovani, a space of exploration and learning for children, teenagers and young adults in the heart of Verona. 

Camilla Zorzi
Earning a diploma in acting from the Scuola del Piccolo Teatro (Milan) in 2005 with Luca Ronconi, Zorzi graduated in Modern Literature from the University of Verona and in Dance Movement Therapy from Art Therapy Italiana. She has worked as an actor at the Piccolo Teatro (Milan) and in other Italian theatres and has been directed by, among others, Luca Ronconi. In 2012, along with Silvia Masotti and the psychotherapist Elisa Mazzi she founded Associazione Mine Vaganti   with whom she is exploring paths of research and training through the instruments of theatre, psychological investigation and literature working with elementary, middle and secondary schools, with the social services of Verona and its surroundings for persons suffering psychological and social distress, the trauma of migration and substance addiction. Together with Silvia Masotti she directs Spazio Teatro Giovani, a space for exploring and learning aimed at children, teenagers and young adults and located in the heart of Verona. 

