curated by
Lorenzo Conti and Simona Travaglianti
Tiziana Conte coordinator Festa Danzante Ticino and Piattaforma Danza
Monica Gillette dramaturg EU projects Empowering Dance e Dancing Museums - The Democracy of Beings
Mara Loro Project Manger and Direzione of Hangar Piemonte / Fondazione Piemonte dal Vivo
The LAC in collaboration with Reso - Rete della Danza Svizzera invite you to take part in an afternoon of discussion in which practices and tools will be shared regarding the role played by the public in the dance in our contemporary societies. The debate will be centered around the word “care”: of persons, communities, artists. It is a word that is always associated with curatorship. What does it mean to care for our institutions and our public? How is it possible to translate the artistic act into an act of donating a practice that puts all the participants in an appropriate position and makes the desired experience possible? Helping us to understand these questions are two experts in the field, Monica Gillette (Dramaturg EU projects Empowering Dance e Dancing Museums - The Democracy of Beings) and Mara Loro (Project Manger and Direzione of Hangar Piemonte/Fondazione Piemonte dal Vivo), who in these years have been able to translate their ideas into actions and concrete practices by expanding, questioning and giving new meaning to the word “dance” and the word “public”, and converting spaces of pure spectatorship into venues of cultural, social and political agency. Divided up into a series of panels the participants in the workshop will have the opportunity to encounter new paradigms for thinking about and practicing culture, they will be able to share pathways and ideas, explore new avenues and maps to orient themselves in the future.