Past event

23 March 2022

Teatro Foce


24 March 2022

Teatro Foce


25 March 2022

Teatro Foce


26 March 2022

Teatro Foce


KISS! (Loving Kills) was born as the second chapter of the show directed by Simon Waldvogel "L'amore ist nicht une chose for everybody (Loving Kills)", starting from the same theme but changing the point of view and the hand of writing.

If the first chapter dealt with the more liquid and generational aspect of love, starting from a series of video interviews, in the second chapter we move away from the concreteness of words to enter the woods - at night - towards a more unconscious and less rational dimension of love, towards the impossibility of defining it and the difficulty of understanding it. The forest as a place where we lose our way, to look for ourselves.
The staging moves on the border between darkness and light, between presence and absence, between emptiness and its need to be filled. Figures that shape and mirror each other. The relationship with me, with the other me or the other from me, the masculine and the feminine, the one and its multitude, being and non-being.

KISS!, plays with the perception of things, time, relationships and oneself.

Read more

Concept and direction
Camilla Parini

Created and performed by
Kevin Blaser
Thomas Couppey
Martina Martinez Barjacoba
Camilla Parini

Lighting design
Andrea Sanson

Music and sound design
Alberto Barberis

Set design
Francesca Caccia

Moris Freiburghaus

Assistant directors
Francesca Sproccati
Simon Waldvogel

LAC Lugano Arte e Cultura
Collettivo Treppenwitz

Südpol Luzern

In collaboration with

Supported by
Pro Helvetia – Fondazione svizzera per la cultura
DECS Repubblica e Cantone Ticino – Fondo Swisslos
Città di Lugano
Divisione Eventi e Congressi
Comune di Agno

