Past event

06 March 2023

Sala Teatro


Claudio Baglioni is the solo star of Dodici Note Solo Bis, the most thrilling concert of his extraordinary career. Baglioni, who won the prestigious Premio Tenco 2022, is synonymous with great music and poetry.

The singer-songwriter returns to live performance – vocals, piano and other instruments- with the best loved compositions from his repertoire on the stages of Italy’s most prestigious theaters and opera houses, stopping along the way at the LAC in Lugano.
“I travelled 25,000 km in a hundred days performing six nights a week – Baglioni said in May at the end of his previous tour Dodici Note Solo – and I never felt one moment of boredom or fatigue; I never fell into the trap of repeating myself. Gorgeous theaters and rapt audiences were a feast for my eyes and ears. I contributed my voice, my hands and heart. The others their emotions, cheers and applause, so that every concert was something special to be told to others. I am at the end of a long and phantastic human and professional adventure. But it doesn’t end here. If the public calls him, the artist will go back on stage, thank them and give an encore.”
