Past event

02 April 2023

Sala Teatro


The world famous Batsheva Dance Company from Israel presents its new creation at the LAC, product of the talents of Ohad Naharin, the choreographer who has directed the company for years with unwavering success.

A work the company is rehearsing in its spaces in Tel Aviv in which Naharin is looking for new languages. It is composed of two choreographies performed on the same stage – the first set in a closed mental space that obeys its own rules, aware only of itself; the second unfolds bolstered by its own self-awareness, the presence of the public and the choreography that preceded it.
A choreographic performance created by Ohad Naharin and his dancers. “Over the years – he says – I have begun to allow space for the creativity of every individual dancer and I have learnt to take pleasure in the imagination, passion and skill which each of them generously contributes to the creation of the choreography. I like to take the opportunity to explore new territories, I love to be surprised by the dancers and by the work that gradually takes shape.”

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