Past event

from 15 April
to 20 April


After debuting last season, the participatory theatre of Trickster-p is back with Eutopia which explores a different paradigm of “doing things together” through a play-oriented, multi-sensorial approach. How to reconstruct and deconstruct what we “do”?  How can we live together after all these months of isolation imposed by the pandemic? How are we to coexist with the many different forms of “nature” without, at the same time, denying our “being human”?

Combining performance art, installation and game design, Eutopia calls into question old biological, ecological and anthropological models and turns the theatre into a giant gaming table around which the audience is invited into a participatory experience where the outcomes, which are always different, are the result of their own particular contributions.
Collective action, as foundational as it is ephemeral, thus becomes a vehicle for identifying possible worlds, that deploy central narratives and visions in which the human and the non-human intertwine together in composing a complex geography of heterogeneous landscapes in constant transformation.
Opting for the kind of storytelling in which humans are neither protagonists, nor intruders against whom “nature” ought to be protected, Eutopia gets participants involved, asks them questions and turns them into players in the non-human stories that arise from their actions.


Concept and realization
Cristina Galbiati
Ilija Luginbühl

Artistic collaboration
Simona Gonella
Yves Regenass

Associated game designer
Pietro Polsinelli

Original sound space
Zeno Gabaglio

External eye
Martina Mutzner

Assistance and collaboration in the construction
Arianna Bianconi

Graphic design and design consultants
Studio CCRZ

LAC Lugano Arte e Cultura

Theater Chur
ROXY Birsfelden
Südpol Luzern
TAK Theater Liechtenstein
FOG Triennale Milano Performing Arts

Creation residency at
Le Grütli - Centre de production et de diffusion des Arts vivants

Supported by
Pro Helvetia – Swiss Arts Council
DECS Repubblica e Cantone Ticino - Fondo Swisslos
Città di Lugano
Municipio di Novazzano
Fachausschuss Tanz & Theater BS/BL
SWISSLOS/Kulturförderung Kanton Graubünden
Landis & Gyr Stiftung
Stiftung Dr. Valentin Malamoud
Boner Stiftung für Kunst und Kultur
Bürgergemeinde Chur
Fondazione Winterhalte


Cristina Galbiati presenta Eutopia
