Past event

22 April 2023

Palco Sala Teatro


23 April 2023

Palco Sala Teatro


Francesca Garolla, author active in the French and Italian theatre world has written and directed Se ci fosse luce, a work that looks at the question of free will and its possible consequences.

The famous telephone call between Valerio Morucci and Francesco Tritto which announced the death of Aldo Moro is the author’s premise and pre-text, a spark for reflecting on a story that still appears to influence us.
The play deals with a story that seems to be reserved for men, acted and written by them and where women appear to be excluded. But was that really so?
Onstage there is no Morucci or Tritto. Only two men and two women.
Men who were the embodiment of a past that still influences the present and women who want to investigate that past in order to build their future.
Adopting a structure that follows the phases of a figurative trial, Garolla offers a new way of reading history, of coming to terms with it.
In the conviction that we need to distance ourselves from the event, without necessarily forgetting, condemning or forgiving, in order finally to provide a decent burial for all the dead of those years, the real and metaphorical.

Foto di scena
