Past event

06 March 2024

Teatro Foce


Capital is the story of the encounter between a classic work of philosophy, a theatre company and a group of metalworkers in an occupied factory. It is a show about time and its flow, but also about who owns, sells, buys, and frees time.

A theatrical company decides to stage Karl Marx's book Das Kapital. It does so because, after the end of the first Covid lockdown, it strongly feels the need to listen to those who, in the immediately following phase, lost their jobs. Nicola and Enrico thus begin to travel around Italy in search of those places where Marx's pages become real people, places, and events. They talk to Sikh farm labourers, logistics workers, and grassroots trade unionists. And the, one day, they end up in a factory - GKN in Campi Bisenzio - which has just closed. One morning, in the summer of 2021, on the 9th of July to be exact, the 422 workers who were employed there received an email: they don't need to go back to work the next day, as they are all fired. From that day on, the workers occupy the factory in order to prevent it from being dismantled.
At the beginning of autumn, the theatrical company entered GKN for the first time and remained there for a period of time: Nicola and Enrico interviewed hundreds of workers, participated in pickets, assemblies, and demonstrations, listening, observing, and finding from time to time a link with the pages of Marx in an attempt to establish a creative dialogue between Das Kapital and what was happening in the occupied factory, between a classic of philosophical and economic literature and a group of flesh and blood human beings.
Their attention was focused on three people in particular: Iorio, a maintenance man, Felice, an assembly-line worker, and Tiziana, a cleaner, whom they invited to the theatre with them, in Bologna, to put on a show together. Thus began the creation of Capital, a work that tells of the closure of just one factory among many, of what happens when a group of workers decides to try to make history, and of how for some time the logic of Capital was ousted from a perimeter of space, that of an occupied industrial plant. But it is also about how Capital, sooner or later, comes back to present the bill.


dramaturgy and directors
Enrico Baraldi
Nicola Borghesi

Nicola Borghesi

Tiziana De Biasio
Francesco Iorio
Dario Salvetti
Massimo Cortini / Mario Berardo Iacobelli / Alessandro Tapinassi
– Collettivo di fabbrica lavoratori GKN

lights and scenic space
Vincent Longuemare

sound design by
Alberto Bebo Guidetti

video and documentation
Chiara Caliò

technical-scientific consultant on
Das Kapital by Karl Marx Giovanni Zanotti

assistant director
Roberta Gabriele

Emilia Romagna Teatro ERT / Teatro Nazionale