Past event

03 December 2023

Teatro Foce


A journey through the innocent eyes of a young boy in order to achieve the understanding that strength can also be exerted through words.

There is a country where the first great rule is to obey the orders of its Leader, who is also the Master of its great workshop of words, which he corrects as he pleases. This is a great day: the Leader has decided to make a speech to his subject people. What new rules await them?
But the unexpected lies in wait and although the orders seem to regulate everything perfectly, a young man arrives, unaware of the rules in force. Through his "mistakes", he succeeds in transforming the whole country, because, as we know, mistakes are just an attempt to do what we don't know.

Catia Caramia

director and sets
Andrea Bettaglio

Nicolò Antioco Ximenes, Andrea Bettaglio, Catia Caramia, Nicolò Toschi

Nicolò Toschi

Maria Martinese

lighting designer
Michelangelo Campanale

sound design
Roberto Cupertino

assistant director
Catia Caramia


